Sunday, 21 September 2014

Post the First

Okay, so I've decided to start a blog.

What next?

Hmm... I guess I should say a bit about myself?  That seems like a normal thing to begin with.  Yes, let's do that.

Okay, that's solved.  Now what do I actually write?
That's a bit trickier.

Hi, my name's Ann and I'm 25!

That seems like a good start.

I'm currently in the fun stage of having left uni (mostly - I'll explain in a minute or two) and being back at home living with the parents.  This has its ups and downs, and I spend a reasonable amount of time wishing I could afford my own space, but I am blessed that I have lovely parents who will let me still live with them while I try and work out what I'm actually doing with my life/whether what I (think) I want to do is actually a viable option.

Currently I work part time in my local Paperchase (I love the job, I love the stuff, I spend far too much of my wages taking advantage of the staff discount, and on the whole the customers are lovely), and I have a casual contract at my local museums (hence the blog name) I studied Archaeology at university, and the current plan is to try and get into Museum Education, so this is a wonderful job for me.  I get to sit on the front desk and chat to other people who are interested in history.  I love love love sharing my passions and interests with others.  I've had some fantastic chats with visitors from other countries about the Romans and about the medieval stuff about our town. If you're ever in St. Albans, you should go visit both museums!

I love Disney films (obvs.), Doctor Who, quite a lot of sci-fi in general (if Joss Whedon had a hand in it I'm probably slightly obsessed with it), love reading, music, history, crafty type stuff (have made a few items of clothing and really must get on with finishing my niece's Elsa costume before her birthday at the end of July...) I tend to have red hair, although the shade varies quite often. Also, and possibly most importantly, I am a practising Catholic.  Yes, this means I go to church every Sunday (and more often when I can). Yes, this means there are... certain things I've never done. Yes, this means I try to let God guide my life.

Oh, and I'm about to start an Open Uni module to try and get my honours degree. (Long story... but basically as a result of various circumstances I failed my dissertation in my final year and came out with an ordinary degree.  Next step is to get my honour degree and see where that takes me).

So that's me I guess, summed up in one blog post.  Where is this blog going to go? I really don't know.  I guess we'll find out soon... (unless I fail epically and don't ever post again, which is entirely possible)

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