Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Patron Saint of Irony?

God definitely has a strange sense of humour...

I've been reading quite a few blog posts recently which talk about taking a patron saint for the year.  I'd heard someone speak a few years ago about how they allow God to show them a new saint to journey with each year and at the time had thought it was a beautiful idea.  As usual though, I never quite got round to it...

The blog posts I looked at all mentioned the following website: http://jenniferfulwiler.com/saints/ 
Easy and simple.  Click the button, pray for the right saint to come to you, and click again.

I clicked the first time half absentmindedly, wondering who it might be, so was very glad for the prompt to pray about who it would be.

Then came the big reveal... Who is it? Who is it?

St. Honorius of Amiens.

Oooh... not a saint I've heard of before.  That's exciting.  I get to learn about someone new.

Okay, what else does this tell me about the saint?

Feast Day: 16th May

Right, I shall have to try and remember that and do something special.  It's a few days after my mother's birthday, so that might prompt me...

Okay, next up...

Patronage: Against Drought; Bakers; Bakers of Holy Wafers; Cake Makers; Candlemakers; Chandlers; Confectioners; Corn Chandlers; Florists; Flour Merchants; Oil Refiners; Pastry Chefs

Oh... Really?

Now Cake Makers I can get right behind.  I love baking!
However, lately I've been having digestive issues (suspected ibs) and since October I've been trying a funny diet called the FODMAP diet.  There are plenty of resources around on the internet if you want to go and look it up, but the essentials of it are no fructose, no lactose, and no gluten.

Yes, that's right.  I'm currently avoiding flour and I've been given the patron saint of flour merchants and lots of things that involve gluten.  Irony levels right now are pretty high...

But, there must be a reason behind it, and I'm sure that it will be revealed in time.

Has anyone else picked a saint for the year?  Anything unusual about them?  Do feel free to share!

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