Anyway, here is an updated version.
1. Create this list. (This totally counts, right?)
2. Pray the Divine Office every day for a month (or at least morning and evening pray). - I think Lent would be a wonderful time to try and do this, so I'll give it a go then.
3. Go on a silent retreat.
4. Attend a Papal Mass - I did technically attend a Papal Mass at World Youth Day in Madrid, but since I was having fun with heatstroke or exhaustion or something, I don't remember anything. I know it was a bit wet and windy... (I have been informed that there was a huge thunderstorm and it has been referred to fondly by others as the night the Pope's hat fell off). Which brings me onto my next one...
5. Attend (another) World Youth Day. Now since there's only going to be one before I'm 30, I'm a little limited. Krakow it shall have to be! Only slight potential issue there is health... I would love to go but may have to think a bit seriously about it.
7. Visit Auchswitz
8. Go on a road trip
9. Spend New Years in
10. Pilgrimage to Rome - I've visited Rome a few times, but always just as a tourist. I think going mainly for the religious side of it would be wonderful.
11. Read 100 new books - I think I should start a new page and keep track of what I've read to see if I can succeed with this!
Right, now for some new ones...
13. Visit Assisi.
14. Get my honours degree
15. Go to Disney (World, land, Paris, I don't care, I just want to be a princess!)
16. Find a job I actually want to do/have
17. Figure out my vocation (as if it's going to be that easy...)
19. Walk the Camino (or at least the last section)
20. Go to work with an Ash Wednesday cross on my forehead.
21. Make enough items of clothing for myself to be able to wear a different outfit every day for a week.
21. Make a full costume for myself and attend MCM comic con wearing it. (Currently thinking either Ariel or Anna)
22. Dye my hair proper full on Ariel pillar box red. - this is in progress...!
24. Attend Goodwood Revival
25. Do a short course at London College of Fashion - I'm thinking Millinary
26. Dance on stage at Wembley Arena (for the second time) - doing on the 7th March at Flame 2 (previous time was at Flame), although I cannot divulge any more until then as I have been sworn to secrecy!
30. Keep this blog going
I've decided that I'm intentionally going to leave 27, 28 and 29 blank for now, so I can add a new one in each of the remaining years until I'm 30. Hopefully inspiration will hit at some point then...
So how about you? Have you got a 30 before 30 on the go?
Fancy giving me a hand with any of mine?
Let me know!
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